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Act like a Winner

Act like a Winner

Are you fed up with not getting the results you want from life? Do you want to know what it feels like to taste success in every area of your life? If you do, then it’s time to take a stand, start believing in yourself, and think like a winner, act as if you’ve won. You’ve probably never heard of him. However, in Hungary, he’s a national hero where everybody knows his name and his incredible story



“Fasting is prescribed for you, even as it was prescribed for those before you, that ye may ward off”(Al-Quran). Its legacy is one of devout worship in the face of crisis. Allah says, "The goal of fasting is Taqwa and the goal of Ramadan is gratitude”.

Foods that look like the body parts they're good for

Foods that look like the body parts they're good for

'Let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food'. And it just so happens that many natural whole foods closely resemble the organs and body parts they're good for! In occult teachings, this is well known. However, in today's society and medical industry, what we eat is largely ignored as the culprit of disease or the catalyst to health and longevity.

Keeping the Doors of Learning Open: An Introduction to the Online Teaching and Learning in Current Epidemic Situation

Keeping the Doors of Learning Open: An Introduction to the Online Teaching and Learning in Current Epidemic Situation

An unpredictable and irregular change had taken place in the entire world. Every aspect of human life is changed or going to be changed soon. In general, every field of life had been changed or closed, especially educational institutes of the world. Because of the lockdown, more than 90% of students in the world are not attending educational Institutes (UNESCO, 2020).

Happenings: Highest World Media Attention in 2020

Happenings: Highest World Media Attention in 2020

We all know that this world is temporary. Everyone in this world is mortal. During life span, everyone experience many incidents either small or big but I think we (90’s Generation) have never experienced a year like 2020. This means that it is a year that contains a series of big happenings in this world. Here’s the list of happenings that occurred so far in 2020 and got maximum media attention g

When I met Jinnah!

When I met Jinnah!

A night before yesterday, tired of playing video games, I spent a whole night watching an American season. It was about 3 or 4 AM that night when I went to sleep though the laptop was still showing the moving characters on screen. Few moments pass when I saw myself walking on the roads of old Britain, beautifully built buildings of old London, boys with overcoats and ties, girls with hats and gown